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APIs for Recruitment Marketplaces

Increase the placement rate & margin of your marketplace

Use Endorsed SDK & APIs to easily add an AI Recruiter Co-pilot for internal and external use, harnessing the full power of your unstructured data and natural language search.
Built by Engineers from
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Endorsed UI
Trusted By
Foh & Boh
Orange DAO
Sorting Robotics

Powering recruitment at scale

Whether you're just starting off or have millions of candidates, you're covered.

Use Cases

Present talent in hours, not days

Release features quicker to boost conversion from Job Posted → Interview Request

Feature Talent to Invite to Jobs

When a job is posted, recommend a list of talent to send personalized invites to apply to.

Improved Talent Search

Enable clients and admins to find talent by searching in plain english. No more boolean and string searches.


Enable clients to define role attributes for an AI to read through resumes with and assess.

AI-Generated Talent Summaries

Generate summaries of why a talent is a good fit for a job to share with clients in emails and/or the UI.

Feature Jobs to Apply to

When a new job is posted, auto-send targetted messages to the talent who are the best fit with a response deadline.

Improved Job Search

Rank jobs in order of best fit, and enable talent to refine results by sharing preferences in plain english.

Job Fit Explanations

Curate applicants more easily by explaining to talent which jobs are a good fit or not within your UI or email.

AI-Generated Job Summaries

Generate summaries of why a job is a good fit for a talent to apply to share in emails and/or the UI.

Ranking APIs

Get a ranked array of talent objects to decorate in your UI

Use the data to power features like targetted new job notifications to top talent, talent search results for clients, internal tools, and more.

Custom Assessment Search
Collect the most important attributes for a role as natural language strings, then have the AI score and rank talent across each one. Our most powerful algorithm.
Natural Language Vector Search
Share a natural language string describing the talent the user is looking for to run an instant search. Like ChatGPT for searching a talent-pool.
Clone an Employee Search (Coming Soon)
POST a resume or LinkedIn profile of a proven performer, and get returned a ranked list of the most similar talent.
Sophia Huang
Match Score: 0.938
Stronger Match
Diego Fernandez
Match Score: 0.831
Stronger Match
Nina Johnsson
Match Score: 0.746
Possible Match
Liam Sullivan
Match Score: 0.721
Possible Match
Frank Marshall
Match Score: 0.642
Weaker Match
Tucan Sam
Match Score: 0.534
Weaker Match
Jenny Peach
Match Score: 0.428
Weaker Match

Assessment & Summarization API

AI-powered talent assessments, summaries, and explanations

Enable users to stop reading resumes and have an AI assess key role criteria instead. Display in your UI, send to clients when presenting talent, send to talent when presenting jobs, and more.

Custom AI Assessment
Check whether talent meet the qualifications of any natural language string, including anything from years of experience to pedigree to inferred personality traits and more.
Assessment Explanations
Get AI-powered explanation of why talent met or did not meet each assessment critiera.
Most recruiters are not domain experts. Our AI has read the whole internet, so you can naturally educate your users about related skills and technologies across any industry.
General Summarization
Get a high-level overview of the talent in either sentence or bulleted form.

100% technical, with deep recruiting experience

Headquartered in San Francisco, we’re engineering alums of LinkedIn, Apple, and Y Combinator who have collectively built four recruitment marketplaces.

We've led teams building search features across 900 million professional profiles, matchmaking features for recruitment marketplaces, and we have collectively hired over 70 direct reports.

Users who've supercharged their recruiting

“We receive thousands of candidates every week across different cos, and Endorsed is literally like having a dedicated recruiter who can do the initial screening.”

Jeremy Cai
Jeremy Cai
CEO, Italic

“Endorsed's innovative approach has accelerated and automated the intricate process of resume extraction and ranking. The team is not just incredibly supportive; they also bring an exceptional depth of knowledge in AI engineering to the table.”

Vuk Dukic
Vuk Dukic
Founder, Anablock

“Endorsed's candidate selection and ranking system is a game-changer for us, turning what used to be a time-consuming manual process into an efficient, swift response for our clients.”

Morgan Stone
Morgan Stone
CEO, Seekr

Supercharge your recruitment marketplace today

For smaller teams
Contact Us
Unlimited job records
Up to 1,000 talent records
10,000 ranking requests included
2,500 summary requests included
Talent search internal tool
Talent summaries internal tool
New & past job applicant ranking API
Talent score & summary API
Industry-standard encryption
Private Slack + email support
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For 100+ person teams
Contact Us
Unlimited job records
Up to 10,000 Talent records
100,000 ranking requests included
25,000 summary requests included
All Startup Plan features
ChatGPT plugin API
Natural language search API
Clone an employee API
Industry-standard encryption
Private Slack + email support
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For large organizations
Contact Us
Unlimited job records
Unlimited talent records
Unlimited ranking requests
Unlimited summary requests
All Growth Plan features
SOC2 compliant
NY Bias Law compliant
HIPPA compliant
99.9% uptime SLA
Private Slack + email support
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